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Variable renewable energies Grid Integration Study Zambia Kick-off Meeting

The Kick-off meeting of the Grid Integration Study for variable renewable energies in the National Electric Network of Zambia, which will be lead by RES4Africa and Enel Foundation with the technical expertize of CESI, took place on February the 14th in Lusaka.

The study which will assess the optimal technical-economic amount of variable renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, that can be integrated into the grid while ensuring network stability, will be carried out in close collaboration with the Zambian stakeholders that attended the event. Those stakeholders included representatives from the Ministry of Energy, ZESCO, the Energy Regulation Board, the Southern African Power Pool as well as the European Union Commission.

The Italian Ambassador to Zambia, H.E. Filippo Scammacca addressed the audience first, providing a warm welcome and reminding everyone of the importance of close collaboration for the success of the study.

This was followed by a speech from the acting Permanent Secretary Rose Machina, who represented the Minister of Energy H.E. Hon. Nkhuwa. She highlighted how crucial solar and wind energy – as well as this study – is to the sustainable development of Zambia.

Webster Musonda, the acting CEO of ZESCO took the floor after that and further welcomed the initiation of this study as well as the approach in which it will be carried out.

The Minister of Energy Hon. Matthew Nkhuwa mainly talked about the importance of renewables in mitigating climate change. But he also mentioned the often over-looked fact that a renewable energy transition does not only concern generation but also transmission. He came to encourage the working group to be part of a quick transition.

Luca Marena from RES4Africa and Mirko Armiento from Enel Foundation both presented their respective organisations and the aim of the study to the audience, then opened the floor to all participants of the Zambian working group to introduce themselves.

During the rest of the day, the floor was given to Andrea Prudenzi and Ulderico Bagalini from CESI who presented the study in detail and engaged the Zambian working group in a dialogue in order to discuss technical aspects and form a common ground for a successful project.