On the occasion of the XVII edition of the Week of Italian Language in the World (16-22 October 2017), this year dedicated to “Italian to movies, Italian in cinema”, the Società Dante Alighieri, in concert with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and the Swiss Confederation, promotes the film contest “As in a mirror – Italy seen out of Italy”.
The contest offers the possibility for students of all nationalities aged 18 to 26 to make a short film dedicated to different aspects (art, fashion, landscape, cuisine, language, history etc.) that contribute to form the image of Italy in the world. Membership and participation are completely free of charge.
Movies of up to 5 minutes must be sent by September 15, 2017 to the address concorsovideo@ladante.it, specifying the subject of the message “Concorso COME DENTRO UNO SPECCHIO – L’Italia fuori dall’Italia” and in the body Of the text your name, surname, date of birth, phone number and a link of the video product that will be uploaded to your choice on Youtube or Vimeo. The competition poster should appear in the headlines and the short films in languages other than Italian will have to be filled with subtitles in Italian.
The works will be judged by a jury composed of a representative of the Society Dante Alighieri, one of the MAECI, one of MiBACT, one of the Swiss Embassy in Italy and one of Radio RAI3 (Hollywood Party Broadcast). The top three winners will be offered a trip and stay in Rome, respectively, to visit the Cinecittà Studies, an Italian language or culture at the four Dante schools in Italy and a series of thematic publications. The best film from Switzerland’s residents will also be able to access the Special Prize, a pass that will guarantee access to every projection of the 2018 edition of the Locarno Film Festival.
The names of the winners and the modalities for the award will be published on the sites of “Dante” (www.ladante.it) and the portals of the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI). The Dante Alighieri Society and the MAECI will have the right to use and publish free of charge on the works presented, with the only obligation to indicate the author’s name.