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Leonardo Da Vinci, the Italian Genius. Celebrations for the 500th anniversary of his death

The Embassy of Italy will Celebrate the Italian genius LEONARDO DA VINCI, occurring, during 2019, the 500th anniversary of his death.

Leonardo was the most important exponent of the Renaissance and his brilliant ingenious mind has changed the fate of the whole world; he deserves to be celebrated! In this perspective, the Italian Embassy, in collaboration with The National Museum of Lusaka and The National Art Gallery of Livingstone, is proud to present a series of events from 3rd to 6th December 2019.

A prominent Italian Art Historian and Curator, Professor Costantino D’Orazio, will come to Lusaka and Livingstone to share with us knowledge, opinion and art talks about Leonardo. Sharing skills and knowledge in the art matters can highly contribute to the efforts of the Zambian Government in promoting Art in Zambia.

Click here to download the program